How to avoid visa scam in Australia

How to avoid visa scam in Australia

If you are thinking of working in Australia, make sure you do not become a victim of visa scam. 

Some important things to remember before coming to Australia to work;.

1 - You cannot work with an Electronic Travel Authority (ETA).
2 - You need a valid working visa before you can work in Australia legally.
   -  You should be paid minimum Australian wage (see
4 -  Your legal right to work in Australia does not necessarily guarantee you a Permanent Residency in Australia. Remember, the DIBP is the one that determines the outcome of your Permanent Residency application, but the employer or agent. 
5)   - Make sure the employer you are going to be working for has an Australian Business Number (ABN).
6  - You will be required to get an Australian Government Tax File Number.  
7 - You should not be paid in cash only.
8 - Your employer or agent harasses you to pay an upfront for an Australian Visa.
9 - Make sure the advertisement does not list only a first name and a contact number and the employer or agent uses the Australian coat of arms on their website. 

 All the best to those looking for work in Australia. Cheers!!


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